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Applying is easy, and membership includes registration discounts.

To join our chapter, you must first join the Project Management Institute ($129 per year, $10 app fee for first time registration). You may join the Northern Nevada Chapter ($25 per year) when you join PMI or you may add the Chapter to your membership at any time. You must be a PMI member to join a local chapter.

You do not have to be a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) to become a member. All you have to do is complete a Membership Application and pay the annual dues.

Application for membership can be made either online or via mail.


FREE PMI Hardship Membership

Are you looking for work but still want to maintain your PMI membership?

During these tough economic times, this comes as a reminder that PMI has always offered a 1-Year Hardship Membership FREE of charge for anyone who is unemployed.

To qualify you must be a paying member for a minimum of 3 years. For details contact the PMI Headquarters Customer Service Department at 610-356-4600.

Types of Membership

  • Individual Membership - $139 to initially join, $129 to renew PMI, $25 for NNV Chapter
  • Student Membership - $32 to join PMI, $5 for NNV Chapter
  • Retiree Membership - $65 to renew - There are special PMI requirements for this type of membership, $30 for NNV Chapter

Join the Project Management Institute and the Northern Nevada Chapter

  1. Go to
  2. Select the Membership menu.
  3. Select Become a Member.
  4. Click on Join or Renew Now for the type of membership you want (Individual, Student, Retiree)
  5. Then it will prompt you to create an account (if this is a new membership). If you are renewing then select login.
  6. Local chapters will show up. Select Northern Nevada Chapter to join our local chapter.
  7. The checkout screen will display asking for your billing information. This payment will go through PMI Global.
  8. A receipt will be emailed to you. 

Global PMI will process your application within a few days and your data will be added to our chapter database.


Add the Northern Nevada Chapter to your PMI Membership

If you already are a member of PMI you may add our chapter to your membership for $30/$10 per year.

  1. Access the Member Login area of the PMI International website
  2. Log into the PMI Members Area using your PMI ID number and password
  3. Go to the PMI Membership Overview page
  4. Click on Chapters and follow the path to the Nevada chapter list
  5. Follow the path to the Nevada chapter list
  6. Click on Join Northern Nevada Chapter
  7. Click Add to Cart
  8. Checkout and pay by credit card through PMI Global