How to Claim PDUs

  1. Log in to PMI
  2. On the top right, click "Log In" and enter your PMI username and password
  3. In the menu bar, click on "My PMI", In the Certification Status section, click on "Report PDU's".
  4. Follow instructions using Provider – PMI-NNV, Activity = C345 (for PMI-NNV lunch and dinner meetings)


  • Just in case, you get audited by PMI, keep a copy of paperwork for classes etc.
  • Education PDU’s now fall into these three categories. At our meetings, to make it simple, we will tell you which category to use.

Strategic & Business Management
(Benefits management & realization, Business acumen, Business models & structures, Competitive analysis, Customer relationship & satisfaction, Industry knowledge & standards, Legal & regulatory compliance, Market awareness & conditions, Operational functions (finance, marketing etc.,) Strategic planning, analysis, alignment)

(Agile practices, Data gathering & modeling, Earned value management, Governance (project, program, portfolio,) Lifecycle management (project, program, portfolio, product,) Performance management (project, program, portfolio,) Requirements management & traceability, Risk management, Schedule management, Scope management (project, program, portfolio, product,) Time, budget, & cost estimation)

(Brainstorming, Coaching & mentoring, Conflict management, Emotional intelligence, Influencing, Interpersonal skills, Listening, Negotiation, Problem solving, Team building)

What are Professional Development Units (PDUs)?
Professional Development Units (PDUs) are credits needed for renewal of the PMP certification. The PMI Global website defines a PDU as “ PDU is the measuring unit used to quantify approved learning and professional service activities. Typically, one PDU is earned for every one hour spent in a planned, structured learning experience or activity. Fractions of PDUs may be reported in 0.25 increments following one full hour.”
The purpose of the Continuing Certification Requirements Program (CCR) Program is to:

  • Sustain the PMP as a global certification credential
  • Enhance the ongoing professional development of PMPs
  • Encourage and recognize individualized learning opportunities
  • Offer a standardized and objective mechanism for attaining and recording professional development activities.

PMPs must accrue a minimum of sixty (60) Professional Development Units (PDUs) every three years. The certification / CCR cycle begins the day you pass the exam and/or multi-rater assessment (for PgMP credential holders) and ends on the same date three years later. More information is available on PMI's Web Site. See how to maintain your credential on the PMI Web site. PMPs must also comply with the PMP Code of Professional Conduct to maintain certification status.